How to buy WETH using your credit card?
With some services it is also possible to buy WETH directly with you credit card. This is probably the fastest way to get WETH.
In this guideline we will use the ramp network. First go to ramp and click on "buy now" and "buy with ramp". Alternatively you can also services like onramper.
Then select the amount you want to exchange and on the right site click next to the ETH symbol.
In the list choose MaETH, thats the term ramp is using for ETH on Polygon.
After you have entered the amount you want to spend and choosen MaETH click on "proceed". Then enter your e-mail address and click on "proceed" again.
As a next step you will have to copy and paste your Polygon address. You can also just simple use your ETH address.
Select the preferred payment option and complete the steps required for the chooses payment option. Once you have completed all steps the "payment successful" screen will appear. You will also receive a confirmation e-mail.
If you do not see your token immediately on your MetaMask wallet you will have to add the token to your wallet. Click on "import tokens".
And enter the contract address: 0x7ceb23fd6bc0add59e62ac25578270cff1b9f619 Confirm by clicking on "add custom token" and "import tokens".
Now you are ready for the ALPHA PASS DROP 2-4!
Last updated